Saturday, April 12, 2014

Grab the Gold Snack Bar Review


Grab the Gold 

Cost: $29.88 (12 bars)

What is Grab the Gold ?

Grab The Gold® provides  protein packed snack bar’s that provide an immense amount of energy and provide the taste of a no-bake cookie! The snack is considered as a Guilt Free Snack, which is why it is:  Gluten Free, Preservative Free, Contains No High Fructose Corn Syrup, No Trans Fat, Dairy Free, Vegan, and is High in Fiber!

I received a sample courtesy of Grab the Gold ® in order to review!


Included within the packaging is a card that gives each subscriber insight into Grab The Gold® snack bars.


On the revers side of the card is the nutritional information, which shows the generous amount of protein included!


Grab the Gold $29.88 (12 bars)


I received the 12 bar option, which the box (pictured above) details how the bar will increase energy, satisfies hunger, and relative nutritional information.


Within the box are 12 individually golden wrapped treats!


Within the golden wrapper is the treat, which appears to resemble an un-baked cookie! I was not a fan of the protein bar myself, because of being on a reduce carb diet and seeing high carbs within the bar. However, I gave these to my brother-in-law who is in the military and he loves these bars. The bars have a mix of oatmeal and chocolate chips, which my brother-in-law states taste just like a cookie! He could not state that he felt an immediate energy rush, but did state how the bar did satisfy his ravenous hunger to eat everything in his sight!


Also included was a sample of Sport Formula (Fruit Punch) Powder!

I would like to thank Grab the Gold for sending me this generous product for review! Although I found that the snack bar did not fulfill my general needs, I was able to find that this product could be potentially viable to those who exercise daily, need increased fiber options, and rely on increased protein amounts (Disclaimer- In no way am I a health professional, dietitian, or nutritionist —- My thoughts are purely my own)!


What did you think about Grab the Gold?

Grab the Gold Snack Bar Review

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