Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ipsy Subscription Box November 2013

Sample Ipsy Glam Bag
Ipsy November 2013 Subscription Box $10 per month
I subscribed for the Glam Bag, which is one of the three looks you can subscribe to through your Beauty Profile Quiz. The picture above is how the Ipsy Subscription Box arrives and the contents within the pink bubble wrap. The contents shipped well and I was impressed none of the contents were damaged.
Here is all the products I received... most of the time I do not pay attention to the many spoilers on the IPSY blog; however, with all the hype I couldn't resist. I always wanted to try some of the products hinted in the spoilers so I peeked (although it did ruin the surprise a bit).
Here is the contents:
Gem Eye Pencil
 Full Size $14 
Color: Topaz 
Color is a fantastic shade of silver and this is the best metallic pencil I ever used. The color is a mirrored match to the image and that is the same color you get on your skin (regardless of your skin tone).
Color: Teal Tease
The color is amazing, but a bit hard to smudge. It even includes the blender and sharpener.
Pixi Beauty Bronzer Full Size $18
Color: Summertime
This bronzer gives a luminous glow and is the first bronzer I have found that worked perfect with my skin tone to give great definition.
20131116-165132.jpg HotDamn
Color: Hot Damn
I love trying shades of red, so this glossy formula lip crayon will be exciting to try.
Color: Eclipse

Color Caviar Cocktail
As you can see, Ipsy gives you well beyond your $10 per month worth. I am highly pleased with this purchase, and can't wait to start exploring the different ways to wear my Ipsy colors. One thing I must say, is that Ipsy pays attention to details, unlike many other subscription services. I have a yellow and tan skin tone and the Ipsy staff pay much attention to what may flatter your skin tone. Fantastic service @Ipsy !

Please remember the contents within my bag may be different from yours. The result of your answer on your beauty quiz can vary the items within the bag, so a word of advise is "be honest with your answers and think carefully".

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