Cost: $39.95 (normally, offers 50% off first order, but right now are offering buy one get one outfits)
What is FabKids ?
Create A Style Profile.
Take a Style Profile Quiz so we can get to know your FabKid.
Shop Your Outfit Picks. Each month you’ll find new outfits styled just for your kid. Every outfit includes 3 pieces for just $39.95. You can buy the outfit you love or skip the month altogether.
Receive Your New Outfit. Your new FabKids outfit ships free and will arrive within a week!
I just had to spend more money for the holidays. Seeing that I have not made my Monthly order from Fab Kids I placed an order for my son.
FabKids is a very interesting perspective where you can purchase into a membership, which will allow you to receive a complete outfit (3 pieces of clothing) of children’s clothing every month. You can skip any month you do not want to purchase and the membership is $39.95 each month, which is used as credit for your next purchase. Sizes range from 2 to 12 or XXS to XL.
After filling out the profile for my son, I was able to view selections based on what I think he would look good in and like (located in your “MY FABSHOP”).
Here is what I ordered for my son (age 4, but turning 5 tomorrow).
I thing for this review I will have my son give me his opinion of the clothing and maybe get him to hold still long enough to get some pictures….lol
Have you ordered from FabKids? How did you like it?
Stay tuned to my (my son’s) review of our FabKids order!
FabKids December 2013 $20 Off Promotion
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