Friday, January 24, 2014

BarkBox January 2014 Subscription Box Review & Coupon Code




Cost: $19 (plus shipping) for the first month with Coupon; $29  (plus shipping)each month after

Coupon: New Customers save $10 off any length subscription to Barkbox with coupon code BARKPOST 

What in the world is Barkbox?

When you sign up for BarkBox, every month you will receive a box in the mail with four or more carefully selected products and presents for your dog – anything from toys, bones and all-natural treats to hygiene products and innovative new gadgets! A portion of proceeds from each box will go to help doggies-in-need.

Here is my January 2014 Barkbox  review!



Your Barkbox   arrives in a plain brown box, but inside the box is tissue paper printed with hilariously funny dog related words. Barkbox  has some great marketing, if you are not following them on twitter (@barkbox) you are missing out on their campaigns and hilarious puppy photo’s!



Barkbox customizes your dog’s box based on your dog’s size, all items in this box are for my 14+ pound Miniature Pincher Naps (named that because he always naps and has a Napoleon complex). Your Subscription box will include a detailed card (pictured Above) labeling the items included.



Wigzi Pocket Bone $8  & Harry Barker Rope Toy $3

The pocket bone had just enough room to fit decent sized treats and was made of soft rubber. I was amazed that the pocket bone (orange) actually smelled like vanila instead of smelling like rubber!



An immediate favorite for my boy Naps!



LOuisiana Alligator Jerky Treats  $7

These treats were really strong! I just opened the bag slightly and wham….the smell caused everyone in the house to smell meat! I will have to use these treats outside next time!



Barkworthies $4

My pup couldn’t get enough of these and they virtually have no smell! YAY!



Barksters Sweet Potato & Beef Krisps $9

These treats made me even want to try them! They smelled wonderful and boy did my pup scarf them down (but then again he eats everything)!


I truly adore Barkbox! They always save me that dreaded trip to the pet store, where I always get a guilt trip about spending more money on my pup. Pet Smart is like Walmart… you go there for one thing and come out of there with more stuff than you can physically use in a month! ?Now I can relax at home, and know that every month Naps (my pup) will be taken care of and has almost an allowance!

In this month’s Barkbox, I received around $31 worth of products, which if you consider what I paid for it… this is a deal!


What do you think about Barkbox ?

BarkBox January 2014 Subscription Box Review & Coupon Code

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