Sunday, July 6, 2014

Groovy Lab in a Box Kid's Subscription Box Review!



Groovy Lab in a Box

Cost: $26.95 per month or less depending on subscription length!

What is Groovy Lab in a Box?

Groovy Lab in a Box encompasses monthly STEM projects which use an Engineering Design Process.  Your student(s) are have the opportunity to engage their imaginations and apply critical thinking skills to each project included. Included in each month’s  Groovy Lab in a Box subscription, STEMists will receive creative and engaging  projects focused on the month’s STEM topic.

I received this month’s Groovy Lab in a Box courtesy of Academics in a Box Inc! On with the review!20140706-110650-40010400.jpg


Included in every subscription is all the supplies you will need for each project! My daughter was so excited to discover her inner STEMist!20140706-110650-40010705.jpg

Included in every subscription is the Month’s Lab Notebook, which contains all the activities for this month’s theme “Here Comes The Sun”! The projects included- are:

Solar Balloon, Solar Oven, Conductivity Sensor, and Desalination Plant


Conductivity Sensor

This project was probably the easiest of the projects for my daughter (age 10) to put together. After the test, she kept the sensor so she could annoy everyone in the house with the annoying beeping sound. The only reason I tolerate it is because she made the sensor herself and she is quite proud of it (Mommy proud moment)!


The next project she explored was the Solar Oven

Using the box the projects came in we were able to create an oven like object which melted the crayons that were included.



As a bonus, we also were able to use the included solar print paper to make some awesome sun designs from the leaves we collected.



The Solar print paper.



Desalination Plant Project-

As pictured below the project has the STEMist create an idea for how to turn salt water into drinkable H2O!



We are saving the Desalination Plant and Solar Balloon project for another time, since the Holidays have us running around everywhere!




Another look at all the supplies included, so don’t worry about having to run out to the store for anything for each project!




the foil was included and plenty was given, which I am glad since my little scientist got a bit flustered and made a few mistakes!



I am amazed that the black trash bags were included also, since many would assume everyone would have this within their home. This way when my little scientist tapes and cuts these bags I don’t feel like she is wasting our household supplies!

All-in-all the Groovy Lab in a Box subscription seems to be a fantastic value for those considering projects for older kids this summer. I was not able to find the box recommended ages, but would assume it would be great for ages 7-14 and my daughter (age 10) found that the instructions were easy to understand, but needed assistance with many of the projects. The time together allowed us much needed bonding time, which I appreciate very much!

We will post pictures of the completed projects soon and giveaway details!

What do you think about Groovy Lab in a Box?

Groovy Lab in a Box Kid's Subscription Box Review!

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