Thursday, November 28, 2013

Graze 2nd Box for November 2013 and Promo Code

Graze get your 1st and 5th Box Free, for Offer Click Here
What is it?
It's is Nature in a box... no... not really... it is a mix of colorful and yummy healthy snacks that put a new twist on "snack food".
It’s not just the unique combinations and flavors that make our snacks great, it's our dedication to find the highest quality ingredients. Some people think that an almond is just an almond, but once you’ve tried our Californian almonds with our sweet yet spicy salsa mesquite seasoning, you’ll never look at an almond in the same way again.
Cost: $6 every two weeks or move subscription to every 4 weeks
Chose Between the:
Graze Light Box - Low Calorie Snacking
Graze Nibble Box - Still Natural but a lot more selections
Here is my Graze Box that came this week (I am subscribed for every two weeks and love it).
Here is a list of the snacks that came in the box.
This was the best box yet.....I think my selections are finally, going through. I chose the Graze Nibble Box and when you place your order be mindful to go through each item as if it was right in front of you. IO you are a bit more daring like me...than leave everything on "Try" and they will take control of what is sent to you.
If you are worried about calorie intake the Nutritional Information (see below) is included and every container is vacuum sealed into its cute little portion sized container.
The favorite thing I love about this subscription is the price (you can skip, cancel, or just let the $6 every two weeks run).
Calling all mom's.... If you need a snack to toss in your purse, these little natural containers pop out and remain sealed until you open them. You can definitely eat on the run! The Sour Cream and onion Cashews are a must try if you like Sour Cream and onion so good!

This Graze  snack mix had a mix of Cashews, seeds, rice crackers, and cheesy sombreros. 

This is one subscription I will definitely keep!

Do you have a Gaze Subscription? Let me know what you think!

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